Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Click on one of the topics below for more information.
Driving lessons from 16.5 & 17 years old.
From now on you can take driving lessons at the age of 16,5 and take a practical test for your driving licence from your 17th birthday.
If you pass, you may only drive with a guide until your 18th birthday. This could be your parents, grandparents or neighbours.
These escorts must be at least 27 years old and have had a driving licence for 5 years. They must also never have committed a serious traffic offence.
Please note: apply for the escort card at the beginning of your driving course. This is because you can only apply for a driving licence at the municipality upon presentation of your escort card.
Any questions? Give us a call or drop by for a cup of coffee.
What should you bring to the theory exam?
You will only be admitted to the theory exam upon presentation of valid identification and your reservation number. You can find this number on your reservation form which you received by e-mail when you reserved your theory exam.
What can you expect from the theory exam?
The theory exam consists of 3 parts:
- Danger recognition
- Traffic rules
- Traffic insight
Nowadays the theory exam is no longer taken in a classroom setting, but each participant takes the exam individually behind the computer on location at the CBR. Are you curious about the subjects you can come across in the car theory exam? Then look at the document: Content theory examinations car, motorbike and moped.
What kind of questions can you expect?
There are 6 different types of questions during the car theory exam.
- Towing question
- Single tow question
- Fill-in question
- Hotspot question
- Yes/No question
- Multiple choice question
Curious to see what these questions look like? Click here for an example of each question.
How much time does the theory exam take?
The regular theory exam takes a maximum of 30 minutes. For an individual theory exam or an exam with extra time you have a maximum of 45 minutes. Please note that the extra time does not apply to hazard recognition.
How many mistakes am I allowed?
As indicated earlier, the theory exam consists of 2 parts:. Hazard recognition and traffic rules & traffic insight. At hazard recognition you may only get 12 questions wrong out of 25 and at the section traffic rules & traffic insight you may only get 5 questions wrong out of 40. Do not underestimate the theory exam.
2 Test questions
In the theory exam you will find 2 test questions in the section traffic rules & traffic insight. These 2 test questions do not count towards your final result, but are purely for the CBR to try out new exam questions.
Once at the CBR
Once you are at the CBR, you will need to follow the steps below. Make sure that you are present a quarter of an hour beforehand. This will give you peace of mind just before your exam.
At the CBR
- Sign in at the registration desk. You do this by filling in your reservation number. You can find this number on the letter or e-mail you received when you reserved for the exam.
- Put all your belongings in the lockers provided. You are not allowed to bring anything into the exam room except your ID.
- Take a seat in the waiting room until it is your turn. In the waiting room there are monitors that show whether it is your turn (almost).
- When it is your turn, go to the check-in desk where the CBR employee will check your identification. Are you going to take an exam with extra time? Then you will also receive earplugs from the CBR.
- In the examination room, go to your designated computer, place your ID on the table, enter your reservation number, check your email address, and then select ‘start’.
- After the exam, you will immediately see whether you have passed or failed by clicking on the ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ button. You will also receive the result by email within 24 hours.
We understand that there are still questions. Please feel free to contact us!
What does the health statement mean?
To participate in traffic it is important that you are physically and mentally capable of driving a car safely. For this purpose, the CBR has compiled a list of 19 questions. If you answer one of these questions with ‘Yes’, there is a chance that you will have to undergo a medical examination.
Note: It is wise to always discuss the ‘Health Statement’ with your driving instructor before you fill it in on the CBR website.
How does it work?
To fill out the health statement you need a DigiD with SMS verification. You can apply for this at: If you already have a DigiD, you can log on to This is your personal CBR page where you can authorize your driving school, book your theoretical exam, and fill in your health statement.
What is the cost of the health declaration?
There are costs associated with filling out the health statement. The costs in 2019 are € 37,80. The health statement is required for all driving licences, except for mopeds and microcars.
Start your application in time
De beoordeling van je rijgeschiktheid kan in enkele situaties tot vier maanden duren. Vul dus gelijk aan het begin van de rijopleiding (in overleg met je instructeur) de Gezondheidsverklaring in.
Direct langs een specialist bij ADHD of ADD of Autisme
The assessment of your driving suitability can take up to four months in some situations. So fill in the Health Statement right at the start of your driving course (in consultation with your instructor).
Directly visit a specialist in case of ADHD, ADD or Autism
Did you answer question 3 (and possibly other questions) of the Health Statement with ‘YES’ because of ADHD, ADD or Autism? And have you never had a driver’s licence test before? Then you can make an appointment with an independent specialist for a driver’s licence examination immediately before you submit your Health Statement to the CBR.
What is the Intermediate Test?
The intermediate test, also called the TTT, is intended as preparation for the “real” exam. The TTT is conducted by an examiner from the CBR, who actually makes an exam with you. The instructor goes along so that he or she can see how you perform when you are on the road with a stranger next to you. At the end of the ride, there is a review so you know exactly how far you have come with your training and what, if anything, you still need to improve to reach exam level. A nice advantage of the TTT is that you can earn exemption from the special operations. If the special manoeuvres during the TTT are sufficient, you will be exempted from these special manoeuvres during the exam. Our experience shows that people who have done the TTT have almost 46% more chance to pass the final exam the first time compared to students who do not do the TTT. It is not obligatory to do the TTT, but it is often a good idea.
Very satisfied
All students who did the TTT at the CBR were very satisfied with it and would recommend it to anyone. Rijschool Green thinks this is an excellent reason to make use of this opportunity. The reception or your instructor can give you more information about this.
How does the intermediate test work?
At the CBR you meet the examiner. The examiner explains how the intermediate test proceeds and checks:
- Examination application form
- Your identity document
- Whether you have already passed your theory exam
- Whether you have completed the self-reflection form. You will discuss this form with the examiner after the test drive.
On the car park
Before driving you must do an eye test. The examiner will point out a stationary car about 25 metres away. You will then read the car’s registration number. Before driving, the examiner will ask you general questions about the car. For example, how to check your tyres, or what the lights on the dashboard mean.
The test drive
Your test drive will last about 35 minutes. You will partly drive according to the instructions of the examiner. For the other part, you will have to drive independently to a destination. The examiner will pay attention to the following elements:
- Whether you control the car.
- Your visual behaviour
- Whether you give way to others
- Whether you overtake correctly
- Whether you enter and leave the motorway correctly
- Driving at intersections and roundabouts
- Special operations
The advice
After your test drive, you will hear directly from the CBR how it went. The examiner will give you advice on what you can work on before you take your driving test.
You will be exempt from special operations if you did them well during the intermediate test. This means that you have to do less or no special operations during your practical exam and/or that you will not be asked about, for example, the lights on the dashboard.
Do you still have questions? Don’t be ashamed and give us a call!
To authorize Rijschool Green with DigiD.
Before Rijschool Green can apply for a driving test or an interim test, you have to authorise Rijschool Green first. This means that you must first give Rijschool Green permission. This is to prevent fraud and to guarantee that you are informed about the application and any changes.
Authorization is required by law. An authorization also offers you a number of advantages. For example, you will be notified immediately if Green Driving School has reserved the exam for you or if your exam has been rescheduled. In addition, your address details are automatically available for Rijschool Green and in the reservation system of the CBR. You can authorize this on with your DigiD.
DigiD is your personal digital identification for government services. Never give it to someone else!
Below is exactly what you need to do to authorize Rijschool Green. The authorisation remains valid until you have passed. Do you want to withdraw the authorisation earlier, please check for the conditions.
If you are not yet in possession of a DigiD, request one at You will receive your code within 5 days. Remember the user name you use to request your DigiD, because you will need this again when activating the DigiD.
The driving school number of Rijschool Green is 1154R8.
Once you have a DigiD log in to and click on the DigiD logo.
Perform the following steps on the CBR site:
- Click on the DigiD logo.
- Enter the DigiD username and password.
- Input the driving school number (1154R8).
- Enter the address data.
- Agree with the terms and conditions.
- Authorise driving school Green.
You will receive by e-mail a confirmation of:
- Authorisation
- Your exam reservation.
- Possible change of exams.
- Possible cancellation.
Rijschool Green receives:
- A confirmation of your authorisation by email.
- Your name and address details.
Are there questions? Call, email or visit us at Rijschool Green, that’s what we are here for.
Rijschool Green central number: 020 345 1 333
IMPORTANT: No DigiD authorisation means no exam!
Who is the fear of failure test for?
It speaks for itself: the fear of failure exam is meant for people with fear of failure in the driving test. It does not matter whether you have already taken a driving test. Even if you are already in the ‘further investigation of driving ability’ course, you can apply for this special exam. If you suspect that you suffer from an unhealthy and extreme fear of the driving test, it is best to find a driving school that is specialised in guiding students with fear of failure. It is well known that the best way to deal with fear of failure is to start with the training and not just at the exam. In this way, you can already work on your anxiety from your first driving lesson. For people who do not (entirely) master the Dutch language, the fear of failure exam is unfortunately less suitable. Good communication between you and the examiner is namely of great importance for the success of this special exam.
Specially trained for the test
The examiner who takes this exam is trained to guide people with fear of failure.
Lasts 80 minutes
The fear of failure exam takes longer than a normal practical exam, namely 80 minutes. It starts with an intake interview in which you can calmly discuss your situation as a result of fear of failure. The examiner will take this into account in the further course of the exam.
In this fear of failure exam there is therefore enough time to put you at ease. Because if you feel at ease, you will perform best, as this has a positive influence on your performance.
Requesting time-out
Once you are on the road and when the paralysing tension hits, you can request a time-out. Or several, if you wish. You may indicate it yourself or your examiner can also give you a time-out, if he thinks you need one.
Not easier
The fear of failure exam takes longer, but is not easier than a regular practical exam! You must also meet all the ‘driving ability requirements’ for this exam. This means that you must show that you can drive safely and responsibly.
Any questions? Feel free to give us a call. That’s what we’re here for!
Driving anxiety
Driving anxiety comes in many shapes and sizes. From unpleasant tension to severe panic attacks.
In the Netherlands, approximately 1 million people with a driving licence have a form of driving anxiety. It is estimated that half a million Dutch people avoid driving altogether and an equal number still drive, but with fear and trembling.
The cause is often different but the physical and psychological consequences are often the same. Driving anxiety is not always related to a lack of driving skills. There are many experienced drivers who no longer get into their cars because they suffer from painful memories of a bad event with the car.
People with driving anxiety all have one thing in common: they cannot see driving as relaxation.
Driving anxiety has only disadvantages. It often causes a great sense of shame. So excuses are made up like: “I take public transport because there are always so many traffic jams”. Fear of driving eats up time: making detours, making sure someone can pick you up and drop you off and postponing appointments. Blame and irritation often arise, both within family relationships and in the work environment. And it is annoying and humiliating to feel dependent on others. And guess what: you find the job of your life but refuse it because you have to drive a lot!
Symptoms of driving anxiety
Feeling of intense anxiety and panic, increased heart rate, sweating, dry throat, chest pain, dizziness, blurred vision, feeling of faintness, lightheadedness, difficult breathing or, fear of losing control, in some cases even limb loss or tingling.
Common forms and causes of driving anxiety
- Fear of the road: driving at a speed of 120 kilometres per hour is often difficult, as is overtaking lorries.
- Fear of failure in traffic: this can be caused, among other things, by a lack of routine, problems estimating, perfectionism or problems making choices.
- Overloading: as a result of a period of stress, burn-out, crises, driving anxiety can develop. This sometimes happens even after years.
- Traffic trauma: fear of driving as a result of a car accident. After a collision, damage or injury, severe fear or tension of driving can develop.
- Fear of driving due to old age: with increasing age, people become more insecure, anxious and avoidant in traffic.
- Specific situations while driving: tunnels, road narrowing without an emergency lane, road widening, bends, bridges, merging, traffic jams.
- Other: fear of slippery conditions, snow, rain, fog. Fear of fainting at the wheel, or fear of aggression in traffic.
Working method
The first step is the intake interview. This takes a maximum of one and a half hours and takes place at your home. On the basis of this, a counselling trajectory will be determined. The counselling consists of five three-hour sessions during which the focus is initially on driving skills, vehicle control and reacting to other road users. In steps and with the help of therapeutic interventions, the fear of driving is confronted and dealt with.
May I introduce myself?, I am Noor Moussault
After several years of regular driving lessons, I have specialized in anxiety counselling. Since May 2013, I combine my fields of expertise of therapist and driving instructor. With my specialism, I guide people with fear of driving on a daily basis. So many people have gone before you and now participate with pleasure in traffic again.
To be able to do my job well, I have completed the following courses:
- HBO social work at Hogeschool de Horst
- Gestalt psychotherapy: Dutch Gestalt Foundation/Middlesex University London
- Hypnosis and hypnotherapy at the RINO-NH
- Diagnostics and cognitive behavioural therapy for depression at the RINO-NH
- EMDR training at ITAN Groningen
- Solution focused coaching at ITAN Groningen
- NLP workshop at ITAN training Groningen
- Training as a driving instructor at SAN Verkeersopleidingen Amsterdam
- Supplementary training coaching in driving lessons at De Verkeers Academie
- Advanced training theory and practice of fear of death instructor at De Verkeers Academie
- Advanced training BROEM (elderly and mobility) at De Verkeers Academie
- NLP & Traffic Anxiety Training Day at De Coninck Traffic Management
- Two day workshop Social Panorama at Senzis
- Trained as a driving instructor+ (driving anxiety specialist) at De Coninck Traffic Management
We understand that you still have questions. Feel free to give us a call or drop by for a cup of coffee.
We are working hard on this page to provide you with the right information.
Any questions in the meantime? Give us a call and we will explain everything to you personally.
Rijschool Green
020 – 34 51 333
Coping with physical changes
With their years of experience, elderly road users often have a better view of dangerous situations than young people. Coupled with an often more relaxed driving style, this is an excellent basis for safe traffic participation. On the other hand, older people have to deal with physical changes and limitations which have a negative influence on participating in traffic. Between the ages of forty and fifty, many physical capabilities change. Perception, decision making, reaction and movement gradually slow down. After the age of 70, the decline is faster for most people. The main thing is to be aware of the limitations associated with ageing and to adapt your behaviour accordingly.
Perception functions
The most important perception functions for driving are hearing, seeing and reacting.
Reduced hearing need not be an insurmountable problem for drivers.
Elderly people in traffic
With a modern hearing aid, almost everyone can continue to have reasonably good hearing.
Those with impaired hearing, however, miss some of the information from the traffic environment.
A moped, for example, is often easier to hear than to see.
Nevertheless, it is possible to participate in traffic with limited hearing.
If you know that your hearing is impaired, you can compensate for this by looking out more carefully.
Driving at night can be more of a problem. Adjust your planning and drive during the day whenever possible.
A driver’s eyesight is very demanding.
They must be able to see well up close and distinguish things at a greater distance.
Estimating distance and speed of others is only possible if the eyesight is good. Therefore, have your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist or optician annually.
Despite all the good care, as you get older your eyes will switch less quickly from near to far:
• Switch less quickly from near to far;
• See less well in the dark;
• Distinguish colours more difficultly.
In addition, you may gradually become more affected by glare from oncoming light, e.g. headlights.
The physical changes will not occur to the same extent or at the same time in every elderly person.
Nevertheless, it is good that you are aware that you can and will have to deal with them.
You are not alone in this. There are more than five million people in the Netherlands over 50.
A driving skills training course gives you an insight into your own abilities and driving behaviour.
Fortunately, getting older does not mean sitting at home all day.
In fifteen years’ time, over forty percent of traffic rules have changed, according to VVN. Many road users got their driving licence a long time ago and never studied it again (only 1 in 3 car drivers think they will pass the theory exam). By keeping up to date with the rules and changing traffic situations, you can continue to participate safely in traffic until a ripe old age.
Before the start of the traffic participation exam, the examiner asks you to check a number of points on the motorbike. The abbreviation used for this, as a reminder, is BRAVOK.
What does BRAVOK mean?
Each letter stands for one or more points that you need to check before you start your ride. This is, of course, for your own safety. It is a memory aid to remember which points to check before your motorbike ride.
In the word BRAVOK, the letters mean the following:
B: Tyres and fuel
R: brakes
A: battery
V: lights and suspension
O: oil
K: chain and cooling
Of course, these checkpoints are also important to check after getting your licence before you start riding!
What should I bring to the theory exam?
You will only be admitted to the theory exam on presentation of a valid ID and your reservation number. You can find this number on your reservation form which you received by e-mail when you reserved your theory exam.
How does the theory exam go?
In the theory exam you will be asked questions about traffic rules and traffic insight. You don’t have to answer questions about hazard recognition. Are you curious about which subjects are covered in the theory exam? CBR has created a nice overview where you can find all of that.
What kind of questions can I expect?
There are 6 different types of questions on the motorbike theory exam.
- Sde towing question;
- The single tow question;
- fill-in-the-blank question;
- Hotspot question;
- The yes/no question;
- multiple-choice question.
Interested in some sample questions? Look here for an example of each type of question
How long does the theory exam take?
You have 30 minutes for the normal theory exam. For the theory exam with extra time and the individually guided exam you get 45 minutes.
How many mistakes am I allowed?
During the theory exam you get 50 questions of which at least 44 must be correct to pass.
Once at the CBR
Once you are at the CBR, you have to go through the steps below. Make sure that you are present a quarter of an hour beforehand. This gives you peace of mind just before your exam.
At the CBR
- Sign in at the registration desk. You do this by filling in your reservation number. This number can be found on the letter or email you received when you reserved for the exam.
- Put all your belongings in the lockers provided. You may not take anything into the exam room except your ID.
- Take your place in the waiting room until it is your turn. In the waiting room there are monitors that show whether it is your turn (almost).
- When it is your turn you go to the check-in counter where the CBR employee checks your identification. Are you going to take an exam with extra time? Then you will also receive earplugs from the CBR.
- In the examination room, go to your designated computer, place your ID on the table, enter your reservation number, check your email address, and then select ‘start’.
- After the exam, you will immediately see whether you have passed or failed by clicking on the ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ button. You will also receive the results by email within 24 hours.
If you have any questions, feel free to call or e-mail us for more information.
Vehicle control – AVB
To get your motorbike driving licence, you have to do 3 exams in total. 2 practical exams and 1 theory exam. The first practical exam, vehicle control, you may take without having a motorbike theory (provided you have a car driving licence). During the vehicle control exam, you must do a total of 7 exercises. All exercises count equally.
During the AVB exam, you must do 7 exercises from 4 different clusters. You must do at least 1 exercise from each cluster. The examiner determines the other 3 exercises. Can’t do an exercise? No worries. You may redo any exercise with a fail result once. In order to pass the AVB exam, you must pass at least 5 of the 7 exercises.
Exercises per cluster
Cluster 1:
- Parking in reverse
Cluster 2:
- Slow slalom
- Driving out of a parking space
- Imaginary eight
- Drive straight ahead at walking pace
- Half turn left or right
Cluster 3:
- Evasive action exercise
- Fast slalom
- Deceleration exercise
Cluster 4:
- Emergency stop
- Precision stop
- Stop test
Already curious about how the exercises work? Then take a look at the website of the CBR.
If you have any questions, let us know by telephone or email!
AVD – Traffic Participation
The exam takes a total of 55 minutes. It consists of the following parts:
- Before the exam
You meet the examiner in the CBR examination centre. He will explain how your exam proceeds and will check:
- Your identity document.
- Whether the engine power of your learning bike corresponds to the category for which you are taking the test.
- Whether you have passed the vehicle control exam in the past year.
- Whether you passed your theory examinations for motorbikes in the past year and a half.
- Are you taking a supplementary exam? Then the examiner will check whether you have held the underlying driving licence for long enough.
- At the car park
In the car park, you do an eyesight test. You read the number plate of a stationary car at a distance of approximately 25 metres. In preparation for the test, the examiner will ask you a few questions about the motorbike. For example, about checking the tyres or the brakes. - The test drive
The test drive will last approximately 35 minutes. The examiner will drive behind you in his own car. Next to the examiner is your driving instructor. He tells you on the way what to do via the receiver in your helmet. The examiner checks whether you drive safely and independently. He pays attention to the following, among other things:
- Watching behaviour
- Position on the road
- Application of traffic rules
- Controlling the motorbike in traffic.
- The result
Immediately after the test, you will hear in the CBR examination centre whether you have passed.
Have you passed?
Then you can apply for your driving licence at the municipality where you live after the day of the exam.
Did you fail?
The examiner will tell you what you still need to work on for next time. You and your instructor can review this on the result form. Then start taking lessons again as soon as possible in preparation for the re-examination. The re-examination proceeds in the same way as the first examination.
Only if you have failed your driving test 4 or more times within 5 years, things are different. Then For each new attempt, you will get a special exam. in this case, you will get a special exam every next time.
We understand that there are still questions. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call or drop by for a cup of coffee.
What does the health statement mean?
To participate in traffic it is important that you are physically and mentally capable of driving a car safely. For this purpose, the CBR has compiled a list of 19 questions. If you answer one of these questions with ‘Yes’, there is a chance that you will have to undergo a medical examination.
Note: It is wise to always discuss the ‘Health Statement’ with your driving instructor before you fill it in on the CBR website.
How does it work?
To fill out the health statement you need a DigiDd with SMS control. You can apply for this at: If you already have a DigiDd, you can log on to This is your personal CBR page where you can authorize your driving school, book your theoretical exam, and fill in your health statement.
What is the cost of the health declaration?
There are costs associated with filling out the health statement. The costs in 2019 are € 37,80. The health statement is required for all driving licences except for mopeds and mopeds.
Start your application in time
The assessment of your driving suitability can in some situations take four months. So fill in the Health Statement right at the start of your driving course (after consulting your instructor).
Directly visit a specialist in case of ADHD, ADD or Autism
Did you answer question 3 (and possibly other questions) of the Health Statement with ‘YES’ because of ADHD, ADD or Autism? And have you never had a driver’s licence test before? Then you can make an appointment with an independent specialist for a driver’s licence examination immediately before you submit your Health Statement to the CBR.
Tegenwoordig zijn er 3 verschillende categorieën motorrijbewijzen: A1, A2 en A (onbeperkt). Het type rijbewijs dat je kunt halen, hangt af van het vermogen van de motor waar je op rijdt, je leeftijd én je ervaring. Oosterpoort beschikt over motoren voor alle categorieën.
Leeftijd (vanaf) | Motorrijbewijs |
18 jaar | A1 |
20 jaar | A2 |
21 jaar (aanbevolen) | A (met Code 80) |
24 jaar | A |
Leeftijd voor behalen categorie A (zwaar) is verlaagd naar 21 jaar
De leeftijd voor het behalen van de het zware (A) motorrijbewijs is recentelijk (sinds 2018) verlaagd naar 21 jaar. Voorheen was dit 24 jaar. Wanneer je nu jonger bent dan 24 en je A rijbewijs haalt dan krijg je maximaal 2 jaar Code 80 op je rijbewijs. Met Code 80 mag je slechts een motor van de categorieën A2 en A1 besturen. Code 80 vervalt automatisch na 2 jaar of wanneer je voor die tijd 24 wordt. Je hoeft dan niet opnieuw examen te doen.
Hieronder staat uitleg over de verschillende categorieën.
Rijbewijs A1 Rechtstreeks (125cc, ofwel 11 kiloWatt)
- Theorie-examen
- Vanaf je 17e. Let op. De uitslag van je theorie-examen is 1,5 jaar geldig.
- Rijles volgen
- Vanaf je 17e mag je een proefles doen en lessen volgen voor de voertuigbeheersing (AVB). Om rijles te volgen op de openbare weg moet je in het bezit zijn van je autorijbewijs. Heb je geen autorijbewijs dan moet je geslaagd zijn voor je motor theorie-examen.
- Vanaf je 17e mag je een proefles doen en lessen volgen voor de voertuigbeheersing (AVB). Om rijles te volgen op de openbare weg moet je in het bezit zijn van je autorijbewijs. Heb je geen autorijbewijs dan moet je geslaagd zijn voor je motor theorie-examen.
- Praktijkexamen
- Voertuigbeheersing (AVB): Vanaf je 18e. Je moet in het bezit zijn van je autorijbewijs of je motor theorie gehaald hebben om examen AVB te mogen doen.
- Verkeersdeelname (AVD): Vanaf je 18e en je moet je motor theorie-examen hebben gehaald en je examen voertuigbeheersing.
Met een A1-rijbewijs mag je rijden op:
- Motor van de categorie A1
- Driewielig motorrijtuig van de categorie A1 (<15kW)
Rijbewijs A2 Rechtstreeks (tot 35 kiloWatt)
- Theorie-examen
- Vanaf je 17e. Let op. De uitslag van je theorie-examen is 1,5 jaar geldig.
- Rijles volgen
- Vanaf je 20ste mag je een proefles doen en lessen volgen voor de voertuigbeheersing (AVB). Om rijles te volgen op de openbare weg moet je in het bezit zijn van je autorijbewijs. Heb je geen autorijbewijs dan moet je geslaagd zijn voor je motor theorie-examen.
- Vanaf je 20ste mag je een proefles doen en lessen volgen voor de voertuigbeheersing (AVB). Om rijles te volgen op de openbare weg moet je in het bezit zijn van je autorijbewijs. Heb je geen autorijbewijs dan moet je geslaagd zijn voor je motor theorie-examen.
- Praktijkexamen
- Voertuigbeheersing (AVB): Vanaf je 20ste. Je moet in het bezit zijn van je autorijbewijs of je motor theorie gehaald hebben om examen AVB te mogen doen.
- Verkeersdeelname (AVD): Vanaf je 20ste en je moet je motor theorie-examen hebben gehaald en je examen voertuigbeheersing.
Met een A2-rijbewijs mag je rijden op:
- Motor van de categorie A1
- Driewielig motorrijtuig van de categorie A1 (<15kW)
- Motor van de categorie A2
Rijbewijs A Rechtstreeks (onbeperkt vermogen)
- Theorie-examen
- Vanaf je 17e. Let op. De uitslag van je theorie-examen is 1,5 jaar geldig.
- Vanaf je 17e. Let op. De uitslag van je theorie-examen is 1,5 jaar geldig.
- Rijles volgen
- Vanaf je 21ste mag je een proefles doen voor de categorie A en je mag rijles volgen voor de voertuigbeheersing (AVB). Om rijles te volgen op de openbare weg moet je je motor theorie hebben gehaald.
- Begin je als je 24 jaar of ouder bent dan mag je een proefles doen voor de categorie A en je mag rijles volgen voor de voertuigbeheersing (AVB). Om rijles te volgen op de openbare weg moet je in het bezit zijn van je autorijbewijs. Heb je geen autorijbewijs dan moet je geslaagd zijn voor je motor theorie-examen.
- Praktijkexamen
- Voertuigbeheersing (AVB): Vanaf je 21ste. Je moet in het bezit zijn van je autorijbewijs of je motor theorie gehaald hebben om examen AVB te mogen doen.
- Verkeersdeelname (AVD): Vanaf je 21ste en je moet je motor theorie-examen hebben gehaald en je examen voertuigbeheersing.
- CODE 80: Haal je vóór je 24ste je A rijbewijs. Dan krijg je Code 80 op je rijbewijs. Deze vervalt automatisch na 2 jaar óf wanneer je 24 wordt.
- CODE 80: Haal je vóór je 24ste je A rijbewijs. Dan krijg je Code 80 op je rijbewijs. Deze vervalt automatisch na 2 jaar óf wanneer je 24 wordt.
- Let op er is een belangrijk verschil!
- Vanaf 21 jaar moet je geslaagd zijn voor je motor theorie-examen voordat je begint met lessen op de openbare weg.
- Begin je als je 24 jaar of ouder bent dan volstaat een geldig autorijbewijs om te lessen op de openbare weg. Heb je geen autorijbewijs dan moet je eerst geslaagd zijn voor je motor theorie-examen.
Met een A-rijbewijs met code 80 mag je rijden op:
- Motor van de categorie A1
- Driewielig motorrijtuig van de categorie A1 (<15kW)
- Motor van de categorie A2
- Driewielig motorrijtuig van de categorie A (>15kW)
Met een A-rijbewijs zonder code 80 mag je rijden op:
- Motor van de categorie A1
- Driewielig motorrijtuig van de categorie A1 (<15kW)
- Motor van de categorie A2
- Driewielig motorrijtuig van de categorie A (>15kW)
- Motor van de categorie A
Ben je in het bezit van een A1 of een A2 rijbewijs? Dan kan je door middel van het getrapte systeem doorstromen naar een zwaardere categorie
Van A1 naar A2
Wanneer je minimaal 2 jaar in het bezit bent van het rijbewijs A1, mag je overstappen naar de middelzware motor (A2). Daarvoor hoef je alleen maar een praktijkexamen verkeersdeelneming (AVD) te doen.
Van A2 naar A
Wanneer je minimaal 2 jaar in het bezit bent van het rijbewijs A2, mag je overstappen naar de zware motor (A). Ook daarvoor hoef je alleen maar een praktijkexamen verkeersdeelneming (AVD) te doen. Als je via het getrapte systeem je rijbewijs voor de zware categorie (A) behaalt, dan krijg je geen code 80 op je rijbewijs.
Before the start of the traffic participation exam, the examiner will ask you to check a number of points on the motorbike. The abbreviation used for this, as a reminder, is BRAVOK.
Your tyres may not be damaged. There is no legal minimum profile depth for moped tyres. However, it is stipulated that profiling must be present over the entire circumference and width of the tread. At least 1 mm of profile is a safe margin. Check the tyre pressure regularly. You can find out what this should be in the handbook for your moped. The valve cap should also be present. This ensures that no dirt can get into the valve.
Check your brakes regularly. Never while you are riding, but only when you are standing still. Both brakes should work independently of each other.
Check the brake pressure
The braking force of a front brake is greater than that of a rear brake
Battery and Drive Train
Check that the battery is secure, the battery poles are clean and there is sufficient battery acid in the battery. Check the drive system. In case of a chain, the chain must be sufficiently tense and lubricated.
Check that your lights are working properly
Check whether there is sufficient oil in the engine. Top up the oil if necessary.
Check whether your moped is sufficiently cooled.
Practical exam – Moped
After you have passed the theory exam for moped, you must do a practical exam to finally get that pink card in your possession.
Below you can read how your practical exam is done.
The exam takes a total of 45 minutes. It consists of the following parts:
- Before the exam
At the CBR examination centre, you will meet the examiner. He or she explains how your exam proceeds and checks
- Your identity document.
- Whether you have passed your theory exam.
Then the examiner will give you a receiver. With this receiver you can hear the examiner’s instructions on the way.
- The test drive
The test drive will last approximately 25 minutes. You drive on the instructions of the examiner. He will follow you on his own moped. Your instructor may also ride on his moped.
What does the examiner pay attention to?
- Controlling your moped
- Correct application of the traffic rules verkeersregels
- Can you move in traffic at the right speed?
- Do you show where you should drive the moped.
- Keep it safe for yourself and other road users
- The result
Immediately after the test, you will hear in the CBR test centre whether you have passed.
Have you passed?
Then you can apply for your driving licence at the municipality where you live after the day of the exam.
Did you fail?
The examiner will tell you what you still need to work on for next time. Both you and your instructor will be able to see this on the result sheet. Then start taking lessons again as soon as possible in preparation for the re-examination. The re-examination is the same as the first one, but the examiner will tell you what you need to work on next time. On the result form you and your instructor can review this. If you want to retake the exam, start your lessons again as soon as possible in preparation for the re-examination. This proceeds in the same way as the first exam.
If you have failed your driving test 4 or more times within 5 years, things are different. For each new attempt, you will get a special exam.
If you have any questions, give us a call or drop by for a cup of coffee.
Only if you have failed your driving test 4 or more times within 5 years, will things be different. Then you get every next time a special exam.
We understand that there are still questions. Give us a call or drop by for a cup of coffee.
What do you need to bring to the theory exam?
You will only be admitted to the theory exam on presentation of valid proof of identity and your reservation number. You can find this number on your reservation form which you received by e-mail when you reserved your theory exam.
What can you expect from the theory exam?
The theory exam consists of rules questions about the traffic rules but also about your insight into traffic.
Nowadays the theory exam is no longer taken as a class, but each participant takes the exam individually behind the computer at the CBR. Are you curious about the subjects you can come across in the car theory exam? Nowadays the theory exam is no longer taken in a classroom setting, but each participant takes it on his or her own behind the computer at the CBR. Are you curious about the subjects you can come across in the moped theory exam? See the document: Content theory examinations car, motor and moped.
What kind of questions can you expect?
There are 6 different types of questions on the moped theory exam.
- Towing question
- Single tow question
- Fill-in question
- Hotspot question
- Yes/No question
- Multiple choice question
Curious to see what these questions look like? Click here for an example of each question.
How much time does the theory exam take?
The regular theory exam takes a maximum of 30 minutes. At an individual theory exam or an exam with extra time you have a maximum of 45 minutes.
How many mistakes am I allowed?
The moped theory exam consists of 50 questions. Of these 50 questions, you must answer at least 44 correctly to pass.
Once at the CBR
Once you are at the CBR, you must follow the steps below. Make sure that you are present a quarter of an hour beforehand. This gives you peace of mind right before your exam.
At the CBR
- Sign in at the registration desk. You can do this by filling in your reservation number. This number can be found on the letter or email you received when you reserved for your exam.
- Put all your belongings in the lockers provided. You may only bring your ID card to the exam room.
- Take a seat in the waiting room until it is your turn. In the waiting room there are monitors on which you can see if it is your turn (almost).
- When it is your turn, go to the check-in desk where the CBR employee will check your identification. Are you going to take an exam with extra time? Then you will also receive earplugs from the CBR.
- In the examination room, go to your designated computer, place your ID on the table, enter your reservation number, check your email address, and then select ‘start’.
- After the exam, you will immediately see whether you have passed or failed by clicking on the ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ button. You will also receive the result by email within 24 hours.
- Sign up at the registration desk. You do this by filling in your reservation number. This number can be found on the letter or email you received when you booked your exam.
- Put all your belongings in the lockers provided. You may not take anything into the exam room except your ID.
- Take your place in the waiting room until it is your turn. In the waiting room there are monitors that show whether it is your turn (almost).
When it is your turn, go to the check-in desk where the CBR employee will check your identification. Are you going to take an exam with extra time? Then you will also receive earplugs from the CBR.
- In the examination room, go to your designated computer, place your ID on the table, enter your reservation number, check your email address, and then select start.
- After the exam, you will immediately see whether you have passed or failed by clicking on the ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ button. You will also receive your results by email within 24 hours.
Do you have any questions? Feel free to call or mail us
Do you have any questions? Feel free to call or mail us
Have you already made your choice of package? Give us a call on 020 345 1 333 and we’ll get right on it! (Outside of opening hours you can also send an email to: or let your instructor know)
5000 geslaagden gingen je voor!

Questions? Contact us
Have you already made your choice of package? Give us a call on 020 345 1 333 and we’ll get right on it! (Outside of opening hours you can also send an email to: or let your instructor know)